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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hi Unfortunately, none of these do anything. I already tried those. 1. Doesn't matter. 2. Doesn't matter. 3. Doesn't matter either. The vessel size does not even seem to matter. Small probes with mechjeb, which were launched early in the save and did not lag at that time, do lag now. Landing predictions are off, autowarp is off, camera poisition does not seem to matter. The fact that vessels which do not lag do lag now, seems strange to me. Any other ideas? Greetings, Jelmer
  2. Hi All, Does anyone have a solution. Slapping mechjeb on anything gives lag/fps drop every second. This problem seems to get worse the more ships there are out there using mechjeb. One ship with mechjeb is not a problem, but after launching multiple ships the problem gets worse. Removing or launching anything without mechjeb makes the game behave just fine. I suspect that mechjeb tries to calculate the delta_v for every ship at every physics tick, making the game unplayable. Now I do rely on mechjeb, I'm better at building than at flying. Does anyone have any idea how to fix it? The game is ran at 64 bits ubuntu. Greetings, Jelmer p.s I understand more information might be needed to debug this. I can provide anything if needed. This happens on my PC aswell as my laptop. p.s 2. This is purely a mechjeb issue, slapping a ker unit onto my ship does not give the lag every 0.8? sec?
  3. Hi All, Does anyone have a solution. Slapping mechjeb on anything gives lag/fps drop every second. This problem seems to get worse the more ships there are out there using mechjeb. Removing or launching anything without mechjeb makes the game behave just fine. I suspect that mechjeb tries to calculate the delta_v for every ship at every physics tick, making the game unplayable. Now I do rely on mechjeb, I'm better at building than at flying. Does anyone have any idea how to fix it? The game is ran at 64 bits ubuntu. Greetings, Jelmer EDIT: THe same occurs in 32 bits windows.
  4. Hi, Looking at your thread, it seems the opposite of that. The sound keeps playing, it is just the game that stutters. No-one has any clue? Greetings, Jelmer
  5. Hi All, I am using the linux 64 bits variant. First I thought my current problem was due to the mods, but this problem recreates itself without mods. , bu When playing the game, every few seconds the game has a smal hiccup, while the music keeps playing. This doesn't always happen immediately. Sometimes it is immediately, sometimes after half an hour , but when it happens it gets progressively worse, forcing me to restart the game and hoping the problem doesn't return immediately There seem to be no specific triggers ingame. Now for my technical information: OS: Linux 3.17 Ubuntu 14.10 64bit CPU: Intel® Core i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz (8) RAM: 7867 GPU: GeForce 840M/PCIe/SSE2 (2048MB) SM: 30 (OpenGL 4.4 [4.4.0 NVIDIA 340.76]) RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8 NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.76 Greetigs, Jelmew
  6. There is a docking problem with ven's docking port and the autodocking of mechjeb. Using the new docking parts, they will miss a docking node and mechjeb tries to dock them aligning them wrong with 90 degrees. Removing these parts makes it work fine.
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