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Posts posted by MI53RE

  1. Hey ya! :)

    just writting because I notified an issue and didn't see anyone posting it so far:

    when getting to launch pad or getting back to VAB/STH it happens that my game crash... ok this is probably because of memory usage but the thing is that after getting back

    to the game all bombs disapear breaking all my stock planes having them. So far re-installing the whole mod is the only way I managed to find to get them back until the next crash that will wipe them (not systematicaly though).

    I'm running KSP 32(x86) with 8gb RAM on windows 7U x64 with i7 4800MQ and Nvidia GTX 880M 8gb VRAM

    using DB Armory, B9 5.2.8, Interstellar Expended 0.7.11, texture manager basic

    how and also: is it possible to add clipping node on the bottom of the mark 1 turret? :D

    Thank you for your attention!! (by the way awsome mod!!)

  2. Hello everyone,

    After a bit of time coming here whithout never leave a single thanks for your help, I decided it was about time to get my *** here^^'!

    So first of all thanks to all of you that did help me going through all those hours of fun with Kerbal!! (around a little 431h :P).

    Thanks to all the modders that did incredible stuff so far making this game even more awsome!! (for some of them should even call their work of piece of art!)

    And, of course, thanks to the SQUAD team (all of you guys!!) for making this crasily-insanely-....ty-geniusly piece of a game!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and just in case: YES this is a compliment!! :))

    So yeah I'm MI53RE (read misère), completely Insane (which is , from what I heard, a good thing in order to pilot kerbals's spacecrafts ;) ) and definitely keep being around for the best... and the worst!!!!:sticktongue:

    Thanks for your attention and have fun!!!! :D

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