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Posts posted by digitalpsychosis

  1. You could try the ships from David Weber's Honor Harrington series. Sure, they all pretty much look the same, but that's due to his drive physics (and never mind the derogatory comments about what they look like - I've heard them all before, many, MANY times). I'm a member of BuNine, a group of fans who work directly with David Weber to visualize and flesh out the Honorverse. We co-wrote House of Steel: The Honorverse Companion with him, and are currently working on the second Companion, House of Lies. We not only provide the most accurate representations of his ships, uniforms, medals, heraldry, etc., but also do a lot of background tech, military, and political writing for the Honorverse.

    My role in BuNine is to create 3D meshes of the various ships, some of which can be seen at my Deviant Art page here: http://maxxqbunine.deviantart.com/

    These ships and missiles should be fairly easy to bring into KSP, although the drive systems will be a bit different. Would be interesting to see if someone could make missiles that actually launch from the weapons ports, including weapons port hatches that open...

    Hmmmm... broadside-style missile combat in KSP...

    Honor's ship towards the beginning of the series, HMS Fearless CA-286, a heavy cruiser:


    Edit: I'd try it myself, except I'm not as well-versed in construction in KSP as most everyone else here - too busy building these things for BuNine.

    That thing looks crazy huge. I hadn't heard of that universe before, so I will check it out. It's rather interesting.

    The B-Wing is most definitely not an EU ship. It was used at the
    . :mad:

    Yes, it was, but it doesn't matter. I loved it in Rogue Leader... I may have purchased a Game Cube just to play it again.

    A ranger. That SSTO shuttle from Interstellar. oh, and can I see some of the pictures of your craft so far?

    I've seen this one suggested too. It could be an interesting build.

    And yes, you can. You can either go here or here. I'm going to add some details for all of this to my Twitch channel information in the near future too, so it should be much easier. :)

  2. The Normandy SR-2 from Mass Effect 3 (yes, 3; 2 has an orange version and 1 has a smaller one).

    All of the Normandy versions look rather interesting as a build. I recall someone had parts for it, possibly mentioned earlier in this thread. I would love to grab them and build it. :)

  3. And i still want an Endurance.

    But now, Make a TARDIS.

    Tardis is done. Doesn't so much fly; more that it falls. But it does spin. It has no form of propulsion, sadly. Way too easy. :P

    Something seems off with that scale.

    The Executor crashed into the second death star at endor, and the death star appeared much bigger than the SSD, but on that image, the Executor dwarfs the death star.

    I want to see the USS Defiant. It's a tough little ship.

    The information in that scale is based on stat sheets provided by the creators of these craft; not necessarily the models used in production of these programs. I've watched that scale grow from like... 30 ships into what you see above over the last decade or so. It's a massive project.

    And nice use of the First Contact quote there. It is a tough little ship... Even tougher to build. I tried that one night, but it has had to be shelved as it was too complicated with the parts I had available at the time. I still want to go back to it.

  4. I loooooooooooooove the Nova Class starship. One of my favourite science vessels. I will need to download this and add it to the save game. I love flying other people's craft. :D

    The death star is a nice one. That looks surprisingly light. I'm impressed with it!

    Heh. I tried looking at this and realised I would be biting of waaaaaaaaay more than I can chew even attempting a couple of these.

    How about a very Kerbal looking Moon Ship?


    BTY, Moya from Far Scape happens to be a life form.

    I would totally make one of those Moon Ships. That looks like an awesome challenge!

    Yes, Moya is a living entity. She's still a ship, for all intents and purposes here though. :)

    If you wanted to do the Valkyrie from Avatar this mod has a very Valkyrie-esq cockpit

    I have that mod! I know exactly the cockpit you speak of! :cool:


    If you are serious, then just try and keep it realistic.


    But keep it within the realm of real physics.

    That is all I (and many of us (but not all) here) ask.

    Yes, I am serious! I just want my audience to be happy with the things we are making too. :)

  5. Someone needs to make an Arwing that doesn't suck!


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    A sidewinder from Elite:Dangerous. Or maybe the Farragut capital ship. Or if you are really good at making curves, the Majestic Interdictor.

    Edit: Apparently having a : and a D next to each other auto-emotes :P

    Not opposed to the idea. I could give that a go. :)

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    A few people have suggested that. I do want to give it a go. There's part mods out there for that one out there, right?

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    I second Star Control ships... I was thinking about if a Spathi ship would be possible the other day...

    I wish I could remember the name of a game I used to play that was similar. (Top-down, forward/backward/rotate controls, space exploration with a grey ship. Also the first ship you can fight is yellow... possibly not aggressive. I don't remember a whole lot about it!)

    DOUBLE EDIT: It was called Solar Winds I think. :)

    Wow... Solar Winds is a game I haven't heard of for a long, long time. Could be an interesting idea. :D

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    All those "silly fantasy" ships sound more like job for Space Engineers to me. Only ship that I would like to have in KSP is USS Discovery from 2001 Space Odyssey. And send it on Jool mission of course :-)

    The Discovery is amazing. So brutal to make happen though. I would like to make this, but I want to make sure that I do it justice... which is why I am worried about doing it in a short stream. :/

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    That B-Wing looks AMAZING. I need to do that and do it properly.

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    What about Thargoid ships?

    Or.... The Cobra MkIII!

    Hmmmmm... looks like stacking Ion engines might be the solution here... Could be rather light.

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    Got another one for ya! Jango's Flying Iron. Should be a bit easier than Valkyrie.

    E: It's named 'Slave I'


    Maybe not the most aerodynamically stable, but I like the idea of it landing face-up.

    The flying Iron is sick. I have looked at it as an option many times. I only worry about the curves of the parts; or if I make the curves I would be worried that I had added too much weight... It's pretty much in the same boat as Moya.

  6. It's clear what you have to do, pretend the Mun is the death star, and shoot something into a Mun Arch pretending it's the famous weak spot using the X-Wing.

    It's only logical.</wrongseries>

    We used to shoot womp rats back home. They were no more than two metres wide.

    I like the idea of this challenge. I might have to get my joystick hooked up again for the funsies of it.

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    This might be a bit dated, but how about Star Control ships? Most people probably wouldn't have heard of that though.



    Star Control!

    That's awesome. Tyrian would also need to be done... and maybe Master of Orion.

    ...I'm totally overthinking this era.

  7. How about Voltron... cars, not cats.

    Fifteen separate launches with orbital assembly... hrmm sounds like a lotta work... maybe cats :)

    Well, I did make a functional VF-1 Valkyrie. I thought that might cover the 80's anime needs; but voltron sounds like a wicked idea.

  8. Battlestar Galactica, make some of those ships.

    I have a viper. It SSTOs without an issue. Great little craft.

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    That thing is huge. I could scale it down, but then it would lose the impact of it. I'll pop it on the list. :)

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    Moya from Farscape.

    I wanted to do Moya really early in the project, but there's a lack of parts that would get the right feel. Someone would probably have to custom-make them. :(

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    I would like to see an Omega Class Destroyer from Babylon 5 or a Starfury fighter. Or both!

    Starfury Thunderbolt is up on KerbalX ;)

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    Here's the thread for the sphererical tanks mod, even though it says 0.23.5, I'm currently using it in 0.25 with no issues, so I'm 99% sure that it will work in 0.90.

    Another great mod for ship-building is Lack Luster Labs, as the inspiration for the parts were taken from films such as Moon and Space 1999.

    Also, do you have a part welder? Ubiozur Part Welder can allow you to merge multiple parts into one, which really saves on the part count; just don't do it on engines, it's meant for storage like tanks and batteries only.

    I was looking at the part welder the other night. Definitely think I will add that in before the cast. :)

    I have LLL already and it is awesome. Great styling.

    Thanks for the info on the spherical tanks! :D

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    Valkyrie SSTO from Avatar. I was trying to make that one for a while, but havent succeded yet.

    And what I mean by trying is doing it legit with modded aero and sane part count.

    Yeah, that's part of the struggle I have. I'm sticking with the stock aero until 1.0 and the aero changes there. When that happens, I will run all of the craft again and laugh as they all crash horribly. :P

    I've thought about the Valkyrie too. It's a good one. I really need to spend some time researching it.

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    How about:

    The Kestral or the Federation Flagship from FTL.

    Eclipse Class Super Star Destroyer from Star Wars.

    Kestrel definitely needs to be done. The Federation Flagship is a little bigger than I want at the moment, but I do want to do it. It's a really fancy looking craft.

    And yeah... Star Destroyers... hoo boy. Massive. That's like... a couple of weeks to build one. lol

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    That looks sick... I need to build it. On the list it goes.

    Thunderbolt Starfury is already done. ;)

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    There was an SSV Normandy mod floating around a while back. Would love to see that, again.

    hmmmmmm... That I could do. Time to mod-hunt. I tried to make one with parts I had, but there was no hope.

  9. IIRC, these were mods:

    Space 1999

    Many of the Star Trek universe ships

    Several generic UFO saucers

    a Firefly-like mod (IIRC, by Wenkel Corp.)


    While I think I remember seeing the Battlestar Galactica battlestars was a mod(?), while most of the Vipers I've seen were stock?

    IIRC, I've seen at least one UFO saucer that was HUGE, and was a mod, while I've seen several stock forms...

    I've seen lots of attempts at the Millenium falcon, but IMHO, Space Cowboy had the best version...He has several different threads of his many attempts at getting it right...

    Try checking some of them out from his profile:


    Oh!, and i just remembered I've seen some attempts at the 2001 Space Odyssey ship...

    IIRC, there was the DSR (Deep Space (something)) mod that had the spherical command pod and other parts geared toward 2001...??

    While I am interested in very non-stock, non-Kerbal ships, I tend to only pay real attention to ships built with mods or modded parts...Once I open a thread about an interesting sounding ship, and find that its mostly stock parts, I skip it.... lol

    Oh, and maybe check out www.KerbalX.com ...???...They might have some already built craft to get you started?

    EDIT: I just remembered there is a mod for the ship from the movie Oblivion, also...

    BAM. I will get hunting on those. Thanks heaps dude.

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    Prometheus and Nostromo are on the list now - particularly because I have an orbital station using EPL.

    Enterprize A is a bit of an uncontrollable pain, but I am keen to give that another go.

    The Endurance I have seen a few people make over the last few months and it looks great. There's definitely some mods I have seen around that make it possible. Might as well have a go at it myself, right?

  10. United Planets Cruiser C-57D.

    I accept this challenge, provided sufficient parts are available. Not having much luck finding anything other than a procedural fuel tank that I could use; and we all know how well they work in atmosphere without any control surfaces. heh.

  11. Sorry, i dont have links handy, but I've seen:

    Space 1999

    Many of the Star Trek universe ships

    Millenium Falcon

    Battlestar Galactica Vipers (couple different versions; and I might even have seen one or two attempts at a Battlestar, IIRC)

    Several generic UFO saucers

    a Firefly-like mod (IIRC, by Wenkel Corp.)


    I'm sure there are more, but those are just off the top of my head...

    Oooooooooh... They intrigue me a lot. Are these ones generally made from stock parts or are they modded parts from what you've seen?

  12. Planet Express Ship?

    I tried that one out, but couldn't manage it. All of the ones I have tried are back on the list for a retry, including that. It's just a little difficult without making it look like a goose.

    Because it does... using the parts I had available at the time.

  13. Hey everyone!

    I just wanted to get the lay of the land, since I am starting with KSPTV tomorrow.

    I create Science Fiction ships for the science fiction cross-over project I have dubbed "Space Base DP-1". My goal is to reconstruct these sci-fi ships and get them into orbit around Kerbin at minimum. There's been many that have failed (usually due to lack of parts available or just shoddy engineering - I'm not an actual rocket surgeon) and a whole lot that succeeded, but I really want to get an idea of what is currently available.

    I've been on Reddit and here on the forums checking things out for ages and I have found a Klingon Bird of Prey and a Stargate Daedelus class vessel that are pre-built. I also found a functional F-302 from Stargate SG-1 that can SSTO without a problem posted on reddit this morning.

    What I would really like to know are three things:

    1. What sort of ships would you like to see?

    2. Are there any pre-designed ships that are worth adding to Space Base DP-1?

    3. Are there any worthwhile part mods that I should look at for things like curved components or spherical fuel tanks? - I really want to make Starbug from Red Dwarf.

    The ones I have made so far that have succeeded (well, some are incomplete) are uploaded to kerbalX here and the goal is to make this the biggest crossover imaginable!

    I'd love your help, fellow Kosmonauts!

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