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  1. It‘s “Canadarm II†install in ISS.....
  2. You may ensure center of lift after center of gravity。
  3. Is there any guys could creat this mod? IUS deploy position. I just use MagicSmokeIndustries & steel beam to build a primitive position and runs not so good. - - - Updated - - - Dropbox:https://www.dropbox.com/s/ebb1sq6kn741s39/FusTek.zip?dl=0 Also,I creat a version for ISS.I can't find any Airlock on ISS Quest Mod,Also,It can use this mod to "Solution"......... And If you want to install this on ISS Quest, you have to edit cfg file of Quest to creat a new node to attach is fix mod.
  4. Yes,Airlock has some issus, In early version,about 6.0.2,Kermen can not EVA by Airlock In this Version(6.0.3),It can go out but so difficult to return the Airlock. I have a solution looks not so cool but useful like this.I install a new airlock mod to replace the fountion of CSS Airlock. Also,I hope author can fix Airlock EVA and docking port issus quickly!!!!
  5. Press TAB get "gentle" mode. move slowly! You the better turn off SAS during Canadarm running. Stop movement you found the vessel shake
  6. OK.Though I still want to the tail of columbia !!! About Bug maybe Cargo bay door cfg have a display bug like this,It makes display close door when opening the door...... Also,could you help me to solve name mark on cargo bay door mirror issus?
  7. Yes,I still look forward to DECQ could share his new tail of columbia and new texture .
  8. I just founds that...... But,This name mark spell erorr may from author. I just creat a new part and use this texture to replace default texture,because I have no idea why tansform texture feature is not work on cargobay doors. Also,I try to edit the texture of tail.But,I think is not so good with my poor photoshop skill.
  9. The CSS has contain this texture. On this Side,It‘s so good.However,Its Mirror on the other side.:sticktongue::sticktongue:
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