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Posts posted by DonaldUnderwood

  1. So, that's probably all change at the moment, but the work on improving the Shuttle is still ongoing. ;)

    Overview of all fixes,and minor changes over here:

    1.Wings and control surfaces are separated (as stated Dragon01 Shuttle is compatible with FAR),as OMS separated.


    2.Body Flap divided, also today I made him obj_ctrlSrf.Added ET cover.


    And now small but pleasant things.

    3.Added light in the stock style. Reflection glass, and the hatch system astroorientation. Radiators and a couple of small things.




    This is only a change in the model, all config changes does of course Dragon. Once we do something new, we'll let you know.

    P.S.Forgot to mention, the model began to have a normal map.

    Good luck to everyone!!!

    It looks greatï¼Â

  2. Is there any guys could creat this mod?

    IUS deploy position.


    I just use MagicSmokeIndustries & steel beam to build a primitive position and runs not so good.



    - - - Updated - - -

    Can you give me a link to that airlock, please?


    Also,I creat a version for ISS.I can't find any Airlock on ISS Quest Mod,Also,It can use this mod to "Solution".........

    And If you want to install this on ISS Quest, you have to edit cfg file of Quest to creat a new node to attach is fix mod.

  3. Ok, will do!

    Also, to whoever this may concern, can we get some handholds on the shuttle airlock (cargo bay one) so I can get my kerbals back into the shuttle without sending them through the side hatch?

    Yes,Airlock has some issus, In early version,about 6.0.2,Kermen can not EVA by Airlock

    In this Version(6.0.3),It can go out but so difficult to return the Airlock.

    I have a solution looks not so cool but useful like this.I install a new airlock mod to replace the fountion of CSS Airlock.

    Also,I hope author can fix Airlock EVA and docking port issus quickly!!!!






  4. Hey, thank you for getting on and tackling my new requirements from the shuttle...also, if there is time (minor non requirement), is there anything that can be done to strengthen the arm in the cargo bay for when I am moving stuff like the ISS Unity module from ISS Community pack? just curious...

    Move slowly and gentle

  5. No, at the request of the dragon, I can not distribute the new files, do not worry, I'll make texture Tail for Challenger, so we try to fix all the bugs on Cargo bay. At the expense of the release date of the new patch, I think it will also depend from me, so I'll try as soon as possible to do their job. ;)

    OK.Though I still want to the tail of columbia !!!

    About Bug

    maybe Cargo bay door cfg have a display bug

    like this,It makes display close door when opening the door......


    Also,could you help me to solve name mark on cargo bay door mirror issus?

  6. Oh, and you spell Columbia incorrectly

    I just founds that......

    But,This name mark spell erorr may from author.

    I just creat a new part and use this texture to replace default texture,because I have no idea why tansform texture feature is not work on cargobay doors.


    Also,I try to edit the texture of tail.But,I think is not so good with my poor photoshop skill.


  7. Also, can we get some Pre '86 cargo bay shuttle name textures? (they used to print the names of the shuttles on the cargo bay itself before Challenger broke up during its launch)

    Textures like this:

    pre 1986:


    Post 1986:


    The CSS has contain this texture.


    On this Side,It‘s so good.However,Its Mirror on the other side.:sticktongue::sticktongue::sticktongue::sticktongue::sticktongue:



  8. Guys I'm sorry, but the update will take place in the next version of CSS addon. as said olitk00 - Patiently waiting. ;)

    I think it would be a long time to next version release. Could you share some preview part your improve to us?like Columbia tail with pod & new texture

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, can we get some Pre '86 cargo bay shuttle name textures? (they used to print the names of the shuttles on the cargo bay itself before Challenger broke up during its launch)

    Textures like this:

    pre 1986:


    Post 1986:


    It's not so difficult to achieve like this. But the transform texture features seems ineffective on cargo bay doors

  9. Do you interesting in this model?SDHLLV.

    Maybe you can make it better.

    The SDHLLV 3 ssme must replace with the same part in CSS model to ensure successful launch.

    I just try to rewrite cfg file to remove the engine and replace the ssme in the CSS model,However,I can not edit 3D model to remove the old engine.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Like this?

    Maybe you can edit the file tail.png

    - - - Updated - - -

    Does any one interesting in this? Tailcone


    Here is an original model of this tail from a chinese KSP Forum.

    It's not so good to config CSS Tail and needs to fix.


  10. Do you interesting in this model?SDHLLV.

    Maybe you can make it better.

    The SDHLLV 3 ssme must replace with the same part in CSS model to ensure successful launch.

    I just try to rewrite cfg file to remove the engine and replace the ssme in the CSS model,However,I can not edit 3D model to remove the old engine.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Like this?

    Maybe you can edit the file tail.png

    - - - Updated - - -

    Does any one interesting in this? Tailcone


  11. No No No I'm a freshman...

    I am just interesting in CSS.

    I just try to edit the cfg file.Actually,I have no idea how to build or change the 3D model.

    Like the model,SDHLLV,An old model can not work well on current,I just try to edit the cfg file and combine with some part from CSS to make it "Relive"


    - - - Updated - - -


    No, I am a freshman

    - - - Updated - - -

    Tail for Columbia is made, but I hold off on updating and introduce you to an alternate version of textures. Hopefully tomorrow will modify and show it to you.




    P.S. I echo the feelings Jovzin, DonaldUnderwood you Dragon01 ???

    I like it! New tail of shuttle columbia!

  12. Your changes is Greatï¼ÂHowever I found a bug when you attach Canadarm.The New Cargobay door will push the canadarm when it was closed.

    maybe you could cancel the door Mesh Collider ?



    - - - Updated - - -screenshot62.png?psid=1

    Also,you could change cfg to fix the CSSFuselage transfor texture

    Like this:




    name = FStextureSwitch2

    textureNames = CSS/Parts/CSSFuselage/cargobayUSA;CSS/Parts/CSSFuselage/cargobaycolumbia;CSS/Parts/CSSFuselage/cargobay;

    objectNames = cargobay

    textureDisplayNames = USA;Columbia;blank



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