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Everything posted by Diggsey

  1. Thanks for the update @Nate Simpson; it looks like the team has been working hard to fix the issues. I was quite disappointed by the number of bugs in the game (which I have reported) at launch despite having very modest expectations, but clear communication and progress like this will make up for it. As a software engineer and ex-game-developer myself it would be great to see some blog posts come out of this in the same vein as Factorio's "Friday facts" series. It's always fascinating to see under-the-hood, and the kind of bugs we've seen could probably make for some entertaining stories... Performance improvements are obviously nice, but I honestly hope they are not prioritised. Making the game *feel* like a solid and reliable foundation is far more important in general, but doubly so for this kind of game.
  2. Rotors do have a tendency to fly off on their own after a while, but other than that, it works and is controllable (no spin icon on the SAS) A sideways pointing jet engine at the back is used at low throttle to counteract the spin imparted from the rotors (and helpfully generates electricity in the process), and then SAS is strong enough to actually control the craft.
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