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Everything posted by Mikufan39

  1. I really like this mod and have managed to build a nice network around Kerbin. I used a lot of manual control when controlling probes and didn't notice much delay. I thought it was due to being so close to Kerbin so I ignored it. It's when I sent a probe to Duna for the first time that I noticed zero input delay... SAS and Science Equipment have a proper delay which I can see being processed. But I can rotate and adjust throttle instantly...
  2. Are vessels supposed to be reflected? I can't see them on the helmets. I can see planets though.
  3. This sounds like a really nice mod. But it just won't work while I'm in space. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
  4. I don't know if I missed anything but. All the KSOS vehicle wheels clip into the floor when I attach them, causing the vehicle to be immobile.. Stock wheels work perfectly though.
  5. I tried to follow the instructions but I just couldn't find what was wrong. http://filebin.ca/1tbnMxG15ZwE/persistent.sfs It makes me sad because I was so close to making a perfect moon landing...
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