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    Curious George
  1. Favorit mod, definitely, just a few nit-picks -I'd consider renaming the robot in the Ranger SCOT instead of SCOTT since all the robots in the movie had 4 letter names, TARS, CASE, KIPP -The Ranger needs a better interior view, but you know that - I'd like it if the Ranger had better aerodynamics, I really want to make it like in the movie where I can glide really far and make very tight circle manuvers -The lander is a bit too white, in the movie it had gray legs https://itdoesnthavetoberight.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/lander.jpg -Endurance x4 physics issue, again, you're aware of that -I put the Endurance into orbit, and shortly after I lost UI control, I couldn't got back to the space center and when I restarted the game, all flights were destroyed and I couldn't access any of the buildings, IDK how it happened but it's what happened to me -Assembly instructions for the Endurance would help -The massive trail of fire on the Ranger engines isnot like the movie, I'm sure you could just apply the same lander/endurance white/blue effect somewhat easily so it matches the movie -A hard point for the lander docking port would make me feel really nice Other than those, I love this mod, I think the spacecraft are very balanced for their roles and designs, maybe the Ranger VTOL engine is a tad powerful but I suck at transferring from flight mode to hover made so it helps, otherwise I'm amazed by how accurate you made it to the movie in terms of 3D modeling and details, keep up the work mate
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