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Posts posted by radimov

  1. I've been working with Unity for years and I love it, it's comfortable to work with and you can get the result you want without much frustration.

    The opposite happens to me with Unreal, it is orthopedic and uncomfortable to work with, there is also something that I find especially unattractive about Unreal, it has something in the shaders, lighting and materials that as soon as you see a game you know it is made with it, I do not like it, it is impossible to get rid of that smell of Unreal.

    But it's just a personal opinion, I know many people who are happy with Unreal and have got used to work with it and like it, I didn't get it.

  2. 10 hours ago, Cytauri said:

    Well said, after playing KSP 2 for about a day (22 or so hours) I have to say that it is a buggy mess, though, I love it. The music is astronomically amazing and the clouds on Jool look wonderful. This game has such an UNFATHOMABLE amount of potential. If they fix all the bugs (kill the kraken, better visuals, PERFORMANCE, and all that jazz), add all the promised features, and have an extended development past 1.0 with updates voted on by the community, this game could very well be the best space exploration game of all time. A better user experience than KSP 1, with tutorials for people starting off, could help so, so many people get introduced to the complex, yet simple wonders of space and the universe. I joined the KSP 1 community much too late. It was basically the end of KSP 1, with a few weeks before an article posted about KSP 1’s development stopped. I love this game and its sequel and I REALLY hope that it lives on in KSP 2 and that it becomes better than its predecessor. Please don’t let it die in early access. Sorry for going on a tangent in some thread, but this is what I believe. 

    I agree with you

  3. If you buy it through steam you may find it more convenient to keep it updated but you also save the developers the approximately 30% commission that Steam takes.

    11 minutes ago, Moons said:

    To be honest - looking at the game and the price wouldnt it be better to wait for a bit? Also if nothing is done looking at the player count i wonder how long this game will last - especially in regards to mods - modder usually stay with popular games and this game also requries a lot of performance without any mods so i wonder how much room there is for mods.

    KSP1 now has 3200 vs KSP2 1500 which is pretty bad.

    Also - to be honest - i trust steam more than other platforms and prefer the steam update system.


    Dont get me wrong i like KSP in general but i dont want to support this business decisions (especially EA and price vs quality/content) - i hope if enough people show them that this isnt okay then they will eventually have to react in a meaningful way. And i alos do wonder if this game will become the next KSP1 since looking at the fast drop of players i wonder if modders will really switch to KSP2. And yes i think mods are what kept KSP1 releveant and interresting for so long.

    I have KSP2 and installed KSP1 to compare versions and do some science mission while waiting for new KSP2 content I think that doesn't mean much.

    I like to enjoy the early access process and see how everything is evolving, but that's not for everyone. I have no problem with paying for early access, but people should know what they are buying.

    The game with all the content doesn't seem expensive to me, we are talking about space colonies, resource collection, interstellar travel, multiplayer, co-op... But it is clear that all that will not come soon.

    It is up to the user to accept these conditions or not.

  4. 49 minutes ago, RayneCloud said:

    I never claimed this. I do not work for IG. I am one of the Former Community Mangers for Kerbal Space Program 1. Something you can see by looking at my posting history, and can be backed up by the moderation staff. I am here because I loved this community and I love KSP and space. 

    I know, sorry if I didn't express it well. I was just warning you about what some steam users were saying about you.

  5. 52 minutes ago, PD_Dakota said:

    We agree with this - although I do think the Discord allows for a more immediate and human connection, which is why generally you'll see us just hanging out in there (plus the levity). That doesn't make the Forums any less important, in fact I do like the communication style here on the forums for the reasons above. It provides more in-depth conversations/feedback and generally steers away from the memery the Discord is known for.

    I have tried to use discord but it is impossible to follow the thread because of the large volume of incoming messages, especially if English is not your native language, so I think many of us prefer the forums and Steam.

    Talking about steam, have you thought about going there? That's where the biggest complainers are and it's hell trying to discuss about the game there.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    This.  Considering the amount of vitriol and anger over EA - some of it justified, but the vast majority just coming from people who wouldn't have been happy with a full-feature game 3 years ago at no cost - would serve no purpose other than to delay fixes.

    They have 3 community managers the developers don't have to waste their time.

  7. I'm happy with the game, I don't have any complaints I think it will be a great game and I'm very calm about that.

    What really bothers me is the silence of the developers, I honestly don't understand it, from day one they should be solving doubts, helping in the forums to people who have problems with the game, defending their work, I don't understand that absolutely no one has come out to show their face for their game. I honestly can't understand it.

  8. Communication between developers and the community should be constant, especially in the early days, but it is not.

    They are letting pessimism take over everything, the atmosphere in forums such as steam is unbreathable when they could easily calm the mood, avoid refunds and negative reviews. I can't understand all this.

    I understand perfectly well that it is an early access, to me the game works quite well and I do not have many problems when playing except for some known bugs, it is not a personal problem with the game.  I fully support the project and I am looking forward to see how it evolves.

    I just don't understand this attitude of silence from the developers.

  9. I support the game and the developers, I have a lot of faith in this project. I can enjoy the game at a correct frame rate and I'm not really in a hurry for the patch to come out, but I do think that constant communication between the developers and the community is essential and it's not happening at least not the way it should right after the early access release. It seems to me that they are failing very badly at this point.


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