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Everything posted by gpd209

  1. Cpt. Kipard - you were completely right: I needed to fix my attach node. I had failed to copy that over from the stock wing. Once I copied over the attach node into the config file, the wing's orientation to the lift vector was correct. I now have lift! Yay! A million thanks to everybody for helping, esp. Cpt. Kipard.
  2. So I tried it with Z as the direction of lift and -Y as the direction of travel. I lost symmetry in KSP and, and lift is in the opposite direction of travel.
  3. Hi All - I'm still stuck. The best I'm able to do is get my wing attempts to have correct symmetry, but the lift vector points toward the middle of the craft. I've tried my best to follow Justin's directions, but I still get a wonky lift vector, and I lose symmetry. I'm very new to working with Blender and Unity, so I'm probably doing something totally obvious, but I've been using trial and error for hours and it's time to seek some help. I start off in blender. To get symmetry, the trick I've learned is to rotate the local X-axis in Blender by 90 degrees. That gives me this (GLOBAL): And this (LOCAL): When I import into Unity, I get these: Then, when I load into KSP, I get this outcome: So I've got symmetry working the way I want, and the part is oriented the way I want, but no lift. Whenever I tweak it, I lose symmetry and the closest I've come on lift is downward lift. I'm at a complete loss. Any ideas?
  4. I know I'm really late to the party, but like OP I'm also in the position of trying to learn how to build parts and have been searching everywhere for tips and tutorials. I've had previous experience using Sketchup to make models, and found this tutorial to be tremendous: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/1386-Sketchup-to-Blender-to-Unity-to-KSP. It's about a year old at this point, and Blender has been upgraded since then (as well as KSP), but I was still able to successfully fly my first part within 2 hours of starting this particular tutorial.
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