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Everything posted by Reimroc

  1. excited to be typing this while I wait for my laptop to die and I can upgrade it to 8GB, nothing crazy im just excited i dont have to delete any hard made ships! and I can add more mods!
  2. Im just trying to figure out a way to make my navball pop-up automatically in map mode. I have enhanced navball, but its a annoying to constantly have to resize my navball tab so I can bring it up in map mode.
  3. I feel incredibly stupid ecause the second I read that I pictures the little green lettering in my head.
  4. I was gonna complain about something, but then someone made a mod for that...
  5. thank you haha I see I have influenced a separate thread on properly editing threads, I feel folish now but thanks for the help non-the-less!
  6. oh yes sorry I meant to write that, I installed through steam - - - Updated - - - thanks for the help! - - - Updated - - - you have answered my question, thank you! I have not done anything to try and get the 64* bit version so I must have the 32bit. - - - Updated - - - this thread has basically been answered, but Im not sure how to mark it as answered and I dont want to waste anyones time.
  7. I apologize in advance knowing that this should be fairly simple to figure out, but my system says im running a 64bit sual core i5 processor with 4GB of memory so naturally the only way to keep smashing my spacecraft into the Mun and make the debris look pretty is to download mods and then support my feeble laptop with Advanced texture manager (correct name?). Anyway I know what system I am running but my program folder is labelled "Program files x86" and inside my KSP folder it says KSP_x64 Data! Pardon my tech ignorance but this has left me slightly confused, and I just wanted to double check before I download anything that might mess up my game. Its the only game I play and I love it! I never thought I could have fun playing a game that required me to use a calculator haha (for the sake of efficiency). One of the things I love about KSP is that its helping me to learn just a little bit more about computers and how system files are stored and subsequently processed, anyway I tried to look this up and educate myself via Google but I was fruitless in my efforts. Now I seek the help of the Kerbalnaut community and will also name a Kerbal after the first person answer my question! *Disclaimer* by answering this question and leaving your name, the kerbal named in your honor can not be guaranteed safety or ensured they will live to see a second mission.
  8. you are all awesome, thanks! jolly good, now I can take my old vehicle that use these light-less windows and smash them into the Mun where they belong.
  9. I was wondering why the stock 1 and 3 man command pods dont have lights? this annoys me to no end because I love the way lights make a ship come to life in the blackness of space, especially on the dark side. I know its difficult for developers, but I was wondering if someone knows of a way to get around this? Wouldnt it be amazing if someone made a mode with a few different types of portholes you could stick anywhere?!
  10. Hello my name is Reimroc and I have been on and off of KSP since .18 I my memory serves me correctly. Anyway its about time I joined this forum.
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