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Everything posted by fat_cloudz

  1. Maybe your goo containers clipped through your service bay and are connected directly to the heatshield instead...?
  2. Common misconception. Your craft compresses the atmosphere immediately in front of it which increases temperature. The ideal gas law (PV = nRT) is the mathematical explanation; P = pressure, V = volume, n = moles, R = gas constant, T = temp. More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideal_gas_law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_entry (shock layer gas physics section)
  3. I was having the same issue. Until I started throttling down when I could hear the air really buffeting the rocket. Throttling down early enough to the appropriate thrust levels eliminated that drag related end over end tumble. I think I kept the rocket under 500 m/s (surface) below 10km.
  4. I mis-wrote that. Not overriding it, just affecting the sensitivity of the controls. I was thinking that it would have you put some thought into which Kerbals you send on which missions, performing maneuvers (docking, landing rovers, etc.) or testing experimental craft.
  5. Good idea: Skilled pilots would have finer control of their crafts (divider) whereas unskilled pilots would constantly over-input on the controls (multiplier). I'd like to see scientists be able to reset the goo container and the materials bay when at highest skill level, but have the data only be transmittable through the science lab Engineers could have Kerbal Attachment capabilities at highest skill (e.g. reattach broken lander leg)
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