Well you must be pretty bad at spotting photoshopping because this wasn't photoshopped. This is a legitimate screenshot, not joking. I'm legitimately wondering if anyone has seen this before. I don't think so because I wasn't throttled up at all, and the exhaust acted exactly like a rocket taking off like it would on Kerbal, except much faster due to Duna's lower gravity. Yeah I've seen that, but the reason i brought this here was because of the way it actually moved like a rocket entering orbit, and I was throttled down all the way. My plane was moving fast, but was decelerating quickly, also the exhaust, once I got closer, didn't move with the plane as that glitch tends to, at least when I've encountered it. The object stayed in the same place relative to where it was launching, so I could get closer, but eventually the exhaust cut off as if it ran out of fuel.