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Everything posted by hafevil333

  1. I've been having some real issues with this as well. No matter what design I build, I cannot cancel out the flex and bend. It only happens after I try taking off, and it with larger planes, it happens on its own. I've watched Scott Manley build a spaceplane from scratch, and he didn't really reinforce anything. I'm thinking it's something to do with KSP's joints. I think I've heard Manley mention a joint strengthening mod, so that's what I'm gonna try next. I was hoping to enjoy B9, but I'm just been continually frustrated with even simple designs.
  2. So Idk if I'm in the right place to ask, but I've been having issues with IR hinges and rotatrons in orbit. I'm trying to build a mobile station in orbit, but any time I dock and try to orient the hinges and rotatrons properly, the lag for a bit, and then snap into action. Usually results in parts disconnecting and whatnot. Anyone else have issues like this?
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