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Everything posted by kmanrulze

  1. Is there any mods out there that give you the ability to make structures that you can actually fly around in. i feel like that would make for an awesome looking space station, but I cant find any mods like that...
  2. So I havn't seen anyone else do this online, so I learned how people take the retrograde motion diagrams and started one of my own in kerbal. Not done yet, but here is what I was able to record so far: Eve: http://prntscr.com/7jtkw2 Jool: http://prntscr.com/7jtkzy Duna: http://prntscr.com/7jtl35 Dres: http://prntscr.com/7jtl6l (coolest one) Moho: http://prntscr.com/7jtlei Keep in mind that the pictures that I recorded from were not at regular intervals because sometimes time-warp went too far. It was just to start getting an idea of their motion. Im working on completing the diagram, but so far it has taken 205 screenshots and a lot of dots XD. I used the Kerbal Alarm Clock and Hullcam mod to keep the camera in the same angle about once every 10 nights and a constant screenshot at the same time each night for about 72 kerbin years. For those who dont know what retrograde motion is, it is the apparent motion of planets through the sky as we are passed or are passing them in orbit. Soure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apparent_retrograde_motion If anyone has any ideas on how I can continue this easier than what I am doing now, or has any other ideas i can try, shoot me a comment (I think, because this is my first ever post)! I love observing things in Kerbal! :cool::cool:
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