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Everything posted by aonaor22

  1. This is excellent and exciting news. The fingerprint login solutions of the past were all third party solutions adding their own plugins to the standard login experience, even the smart card ones were device/vendor specific. Now with ‘Hello’, I hope that will all change with a standard and more device agnostic way to login/unlock the PC/Phone, and eventually get access to ‘Passport’-participating apps/services; All without entering password/pin/’drawing on pictures’ :-). Hope there will be some improvements to the credential vault as well with the introduction of these frameworks.
  2. Finally biometrics are making much more sense: Unique human biological signature, combined with very strong hardware and a truly smart engine, plus personal identifications stored on our own personal devices instead of on servers, can really change the game. This is my favorite part: If there’s no personal identification data stored on servers, how would hackers hack into our personal life? They’d have to literally steal your laptop or smartphone. Hahaha.. Bravo Microsoft! I believe this is going to establish the painless computing security. And yes, we are getting closer to sci-fi movies. Finally I find Windows Password Key is a nice tool to unlock Windows 10 password.
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