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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I just checked. My computer says "4GB (2.75 available)" Do you know if there is a way to clear up space? (I wouldn't doubt if the RAM is being used by my dad's antivirus (Kaspersky). That stupid thing has caused more problems than a virus itself would)
  2. Still "ran out of memory", only a bit farther. I'll have to wait for a not crappy computer
  3. Thanks! I'll turn the texture quality down and see if that works. My computer already has 4GB RAM, but my dad is considering getting a new computer. Hopefully the new one will be able to run things like KSP and Minecraft smoothly.
  4. I was finally able to get to my computer and post the logs. Output log: http://pastebin.com/pBSqY9i1 Error: http://pastebin.com/V7hFWy0i
  5. Thanks. I read the first topic and it turns out that I have a 32 bit duel core processor. I just made it only use one of the CPUs and it still didn't work. It did make it farther, though. This time it made it to mk1PodCockpit/model003. Something strange happened, though. Rather than the game notifying me that it crashed, it just shut down without warning. It still left a log, though. I'll find a way to post the logs. Could it be because both of my CPU cores are duel core?
  6. I hadn't played KSP in a few months, and suddenly really wanted to. I went to the website and saw that 0.90.0 BETA was out! I was excited, so I ran the patcher, then when it was done (it took forever) I ran the game. After about 5 minutes of loading the game, the progress bar was about one third of the way through, and it crashed. I tried a few more times, and it kept crashing. I tried restarting my computer, and even deleted the entire KSP folder and re-downloading it three times, but it keeps happening. Every single time, it is on the exact same part of loading, which is Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/model002. I have searched for this problem, and nobody else has it. People have had similar problems, but I've tried everything suggested on their topics and nothing works. Please help. Here is a screenshot: BTW I am running Windows 7 Home Premium with 4GB ram. I don't know about the CPU and graphics cards, but I think those should be fine because the game worked perfectly before the update. I've even tried deleting model002 and replacing it with model001 and renaming it, but the same thing happens.
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