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Everything posted by Scratman

  1. Hey all! I'm new to this site and have something to share. I had a dream 2 nights ago that there were rovers all over a unearthly environment. There were hangers everywhere for repairs, tools, fleets of robots of all sizes, cleaning bays etc. There were massive Rover's the size of a bus that would disassemble itself piece by piece the further it went. It would 'plant' or secure and position these devices onto the surface that would have a few solar panels on it but as it took in the energy it would use that to expand in incremental stages to become a larger solar panel which could charge other robotics so they could go further distances and even preform missions at dark. After it was finished it would retrieve more at a loading Bay and repeat. I'm not trying to mock the men and women who have worked there lives trying to find ways of exploring other planets; just giving my 2 cents. If this is in the wrong thread please inform me. It's been on my mind for days and I can't find any information on charging stations for rovers. If I can charge my phone, car, batteries, my own body... There must be a way. Thank you for your time in reading my dream. Space enthusiast
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