Behold the mighty Multiplicatodor! 100% Reusable multiplying machine, works up to 5 times 5, but could be extended up to 10 times 10, I just didn't have the patience to code that. The first idea is that a light and a landing leg blocking it acts like an and gate, so I can just make a grid of these. But how to control rows and columns with the same action groups independently and stay reusable? Use a docking port to decouple parts of the craft and stop those parts from moving! Action group n is wired to lower first n rows of legs and turn on first n columns of lights. "Abort" decouples the part with the legs and turns off all the lights. The challenge didn't specify what is an allowed reset procedure, so it requires some work, hope that's ok. Operation: Enter first number n: first n rows of legs lowered, first n columns of lights turned on. Hit "abort", lights turned off, legs decoupled. Enter second number m: first m columns of lights on. Read off result: number of visible lights. To reset: select docking port to control from and the other one as target, drive back so magnets kick in and the craft pops back together. Use light and gear switches to reset. In the video I calculate 2*4 and 4*3.
Craft file: