these are not the of the standard equations, but describe straght line when a point ( constantly changing position on the x-coordinate, time increases (decreases) its length. maybe you confused mark (x.), see x (y, z) - coordinates, the coordinates of each have a number of 7, to know where the coordinate is need to mark in particular, 7x.(is located on the x-coordinate ) 7y.(is located on the y-coordinate) 7z.(is located on the z-coordinate ) my voice is Serbian, English gives google translator, perhaps bad translations The mapping function from the x-coordinates of the plane (Cartesian coordinate system) yx. = xx.-ax., x and a remain on the x-coordinate, y goes to the y-coordinate. view photo the lines of x and a parallel to the y-coordinates line of y parallel to the x-coordinate formed at the intersection of real points A and B points A and B are combined and gets straight line AB is given by x = 4, a = 2, y = 2 Repeat for x = 3.5, a = 2, y = 1.5, view photo formed at the intersection of real points C and D points C and D are combined and received straight line CD connect the dots AC (BD) straight lines AB and CD ABDC points form the surface of 4≥x≥3.5 Draw a graph of the function at the current proceedings for a) yx.=|ax.-xx.| yx.=-|ax.-xx.| c) yx.=ax.-xx. d) yx.=xx.-ax. e) yx.={|ax.-xx.|}\cup{-|ax.-x​x.|}