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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I use cheats.. Alot, idk how to even build a ship to get to the mun anymore... my skills are forgotton.
  2. fk manually install avp messed up my KSP... - - - Updated - - - now i have to reinstall it....
  3. same one i've been downloading. so it should work without problems?
  4. haven't tried it actually yet, just seeing if there was a 1.0.4 tweak for it. Also, the link from the EOO trailer sends me to interstellar.
  5. I heard it doesn't work since it hasn't been updated and the 1.0.2 astronomers pack on reddit download link doesn't work, so does anyone have a 1.0-1.0.4 AP they could upload?
  6. [Didnt know where to post] Looking for a good ship to free fly with in orbit, Like the ships in Kinetic Freefall
  7. I was thinking about getting 6.4x KSP and i saw that it changes the gravity of some objects. Does this mean it will be incompatible with MechJeb?
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