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    Curious George
  1. Atomictonto


    I'm not a scientist but an expert in communication with a twist for technology and phisics. My two cents are that if the substance of what this guy in the video is saying was true he would not need all the theatrics. The gestures are all carefully studied to distract the viewer and lure him into a "guru/evolved" aura to make him feel somewhat in awe in front of a "revelation". More or less what most magicians do on stage. For business purposes I've witnessed dozens of meetings with prominent scientists explaining and demonstrating various phenomena and technologies in the electronics/phisics spectrum (and I'm talking CERN and major aerospace development level...) and these people simply talk facts, show formulas and slides with no theatrics at all, basically they are mostly very boring, and the only guys who used any theatrics were me and a collegue of mine: we were the MARKETING guys :-)
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