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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Putting that same module on the missiles would be rather handy. Avoiding internal ordinance explosions is always good. BD, would it be possible to set it up so you can select how many weapons will fire when the fire key is pressed? For example; with cannons and lasers they will all shoot at the same time, but other ordinance will only shoot once for every fire command. Being able to change that setting as needed would be very helpful. You could fire broadsides of either missiles or cannons in series or as a volley. This would functionally extend the magazine capacities and increase the rate of fire for things like howitzers and Abrams turrets, as well as make massed missile attacks or bombing runs less carpal tunnel inducing. It could also pull double duty as a ripple manager for dropping bombs; if they'll only drop when they have clearance to do so, putting in a volley amount will drop them as fast as clearance will allow with the push of a single button. The UI for a function like that could be included as a line in the weapons manager with a click box for 'series' and 'volley' with a blank dialogue box that the user can enter the number of guns or missiles that will fire at once. Optionally there could be separate selectors for guns and missiles so that you could fire missiles in volleys and guns in series without needing to fiddle with settings when switching between weapon types.
  2. Would it be possible to apply a ripple effect for releasing bombs? Holding the mouse button to drop things quickly would make carpet bombing much easier.
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