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Everything posted by Kajolo

  1. Ksp: Problem: MKS/FTT Items not showing up in build screen Mods: FTT 0.3.1 Kerbonite 0.5.5 Kplus 0.3.0 KSP_AVC1.1.5.0 Mks0.22.8 (All Usi mods Kplus, Kerbonite, MKS, FTT, have regolith in their folders) (I am using the 32 bit mode) Reproduction: unzip all mods to the desktop then drag them all to the gamedata folder in your main ksp folder Launch game (in 32bit mode as suggested) go to space craft hanger and none of the modded items are in the build screen other than a few keronite items Log: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/anonymous/70c98ab9bf5693537aef/raw/output_log.txt
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