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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks for the help, guys. These tweaks are actually pretty effective.
  2. Agreed. It really is damaging my experience and I can't really be bothered with KSP if it just keeps crashing every 10 minutes (no, seriously, I'm not exaggerating). I know it's a lot of work to do, but the devs must at least do something to try and fix these issues.
  3. Thank you for the workarounds, Master Tao. However, are the KSP team planning on eliminating these particular stability issues for OSX in the forseeable future?
  4. Is this a common glitch among OSX users, or is it 'suffered' by only a few people? Hopefully the brilliant dev team at Squad will release a fix shortly, because it's badly hurting the otherwise exceptional KSP experience.
  5. Hello VPS2A1. A crash report would most likely be needed to help in this case, but I would like to say that the full KSP on Mac does work very well. Does it usually crash or has it only happened recently? It may be an issue with the 'integrity of the game cache', but I'm no expert - sorry!
  6. Thanks guys. I'll try both suggestions next time I play KSP.
  7. I have tried verifying the cache on Steam but that hasn't worked. Did you manage to fix it by changing the graphics settings?
  8. Correction: I took 5 screenshots of the bug inside the VAB and in-game, and made an album on imgur. I hope someone knows what's going on here! http://imgur.com/a/bmhZZ
  9. Hi guys, I'm new to these forums so please be nice. c: Recently, I've been encountering a really annoying glitch that causes nasty lag issues on my computer, which never usually lags when playing KSP. I'm using a Mac (prepare for Mac hate). I don't know how to upload an image from my computer onto the KSP forums (I have 2 screenshots saved onto my computer), but it causes a really large shadow inside the VAB/SPH that takes up about half of the screen, and when playing the actual game itself. It doesn't make the game unplayable, but it's ruining my experience. The bug only goes away once I completely exit KSP and I don't know what causes it. I really hope it's fixed soon because it's really harming my (and no doubt other's) KSP experience. Thanks.
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