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Everything posted by mjmcooke

  1. So am I, but when the water is full, the waste water gets full, and then no food.
  2. Thanks for this. I was having a similar problem with the farms no longer producing food when waste water was full, changed the farm cfgs from RecipeOutputs = Food,3.5583508716438951117681830854277,False,WasteWater,0.200,False to RecipeOutputs = Food,3.5583508716438951117681830854277,False,WasteWater,0.200,True and the problem was solved.
  3. The debug menu only lets you add in a contract type and difficulty (say, a build an orbital station 3 star contract) but doesnt let you specify which body.
  4. Adding the Pipelines folder got it working, mostly. The ships Ive already launched still dont have population growth, but the stats show and the movie theater works now. New ships launched work seemingly mostly as intended, but if I have a civilian dock on it the population growth stops entirely when I leave Kerbin space (I know I shouldnt get pop from the dock anymore, but I don't get any reproduction growth either) but if I launch a ship with no dock its population growth continues outside Kerbin space.
  5. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to get a specific contract, either through a plugin or editing my persistent file? I want to get a "build a new orbital station around Laythe" contract, its the only body I haven't gotten that kind of contract for, and I want to get it.
  6. I redownloaded, deleted, and reinstalled the mod, including all the other folders, like Regolith and Community Resource Pack, still the same problems. I also tried downloading Regolith independently and replacing that, nothing. Is there an addon not included in this thats required? Is there a different way to show the stats on civilian modules besides right clicking on them?
  7. Here ya go. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmvmzsqgqazlg7f/Colony.craft?dl=0
  8. So I'm not sure what I did wrong, but several part of this addon are not working properly for me. I am not getting all the stats when I click on a civilian module, just some of the basics. I am also not getting any population growth. And the movie theater doesn't generate any inspiration, and there is no option for me to play movies. I also don't seem to generate C02 or waste (though I do generate waste water), and when I turn on the air circulator and recycler in the Hydroponic Garden Biosphere, it says "Missing Inputs." Ill include some screenshots to show what I mean.
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