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Status Replies posted by ChrisSpace

  1. Honestly I'm not too upset about KSP2 being delayed. This'll just mean the final product is even better with the extra year-or-so of development.




    1. ChrisSpace


      This aged terribly

  2. My current mod list:


    Nertea’s mods (NFT, SSP, FFT, KA, HC, M4F, CTT, CRE)

    BD Armoury


    TAC Life Support

    Kerbal Planetary Base Systems

    Dark Side Technology continued

    Wild Blue Industries DSEV

    USI Project Orion

    Connected Living Space


    Kerbal Reusability Expansion

    USI Kolonization systems

    1. ChrisSpace


      This list is over 2 years old?! Once I get KSP running on my new laptop I'll need to update this. Funnily enough, the game has barely changed at all in this time, so I'm guessing the new list won't be very different.

  3. Finally got these today, very excited to read them.


    1. ChrisSpace


      Oh god, this post was over a year ago? I've only finished two of these.

  4. The sucky thing about living in Australia is, whenever a cool event is happening live in America I can't see it because it's the middle of the night

    1. ChrisSpace


      Nah, the starship protos have had a few screwups already.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Anyone else remember this little project from years ago?


    I'm still working on it a little every now and then.

    1. ChrisSpace


      Well, I voted for Ceres/Jupiter/Saturn. Not just because of what Elon has said, but because a surface colony can pretty much grow indefinitely while a cylinder is limited my the tensile strength of it's material. And Venus if currently a bit "off-limits" as the Dv required to travel from a floating city into LVO is beyond Starship's Delta-V capacity.

      In particular I have a bit of a soft spot for Titan, since it's the best source of Methane beyond Mars and that's what Starship runs on. Of course, if Roscosmos or the CNSA builds a similar type of vessel using Hydrolox or Hydrogen NTR propulsion, that changes a lot.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. So recently I finished reading Verne's From the Earth to the Moon. Surprising how much science has stayed the same in the last one-and-a-half centuries. Also, that big cannon would make a perfect weapon for shooting down hostile spacecraft.

  7. Saw Ad Astra today. Well yesterday since it's past 1am here. 10/10, loved how realistic it was, especially with the ending.

    Also, I noticed that most of my favourite "realistic" space films almost form a coherent timeline:


    The Martian

    MARS (not a film but it fits)

    Europa Report

    Space Odyssey: VTTP (not a film but it fits)

    Ad Astra

    The Expanse (not a film but it fits)




    The only ones I can't place in the timeline are the films The Wandering Earth and Interstellar, the TV show Salvation, and the doucufiction Alien Planet.

    1. ChrisSpace


      There are only two impossible parts of the film, and that's one of them.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Fun fact: Even if you mined up all the diamond on Jupiter and Saturn (and the rest of the solar system which is presumably just a rounding error by comparison), you'd only be able to make full sets of diamond armour for about a fifth of the word's Minecraft players. For reference:

    10 million metric tons / 526.5 kg = 18.993 million

    18.993 million / 91 million = 20.87%


    I have no idea why I calculated this, but I did

  9. KSP2: Announced

    Me: Please add clouds and outer planets and nuclear reactors Please add clouds and outer planets and nuclear reactors Please add clouds and outer planets and nuclear reactors Please add clouds and outer planets and nuclear reactors Please add clouds and outer planets and nuclear reactors

    1. ChrisSpace


      Yeah, that would be ideal. I'm not sure how this'll affect the alien war project, by the way, since a lot of the vessels I'm designing for that are being made in realistically-modded KSP. I guess they'll be finished and tested before 2 comes out so it shouldn't be a problem.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. KSP2: Announced

    Me: Please add clouds and outer planets and nuclear reactors Please add clouds and outer planets and nuclear reactors Please add clouds and outer planets and nuclear reactors Please add clouds and outer planets and nuclear reactors Please add clouds and outer planets and nuclear reactors

    1. ChrisSpace


      One of the really early promotional images for KSP had clouds over Kerbin, and they were never added. I'm going to remain carefully skeptical until more gameplay footage is released.

      I also was tempted to add "and life support systems" to that post, but we all know that's never going to happen.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hey, help us on the forums about the alt soalr system!

    1. ChrisSpace


      I've taken all of that into consideration and will change a lot of things around. Like, a lot.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hey, help us on the forums about the alt soalr system!

    1. ChrisSpace


      How about this: I'll hand over everything related to the alternate solar system to you, while I continue with the actual alt history part

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hey, help us on the forums about the alt soalr system!

    1. ChrisSpace


      I've become way too busy, and in any case i'll be working more on the pre-space alternate history before more before returning to the structure of the solar system

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Also, ChrisSpace, please respond to the Atmospheric concern, otherwise, I can't really proceed with the criticism of the other stuff!

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