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Everything posted by syberianbull

  1. Hello, I'm having some problems with mass scaling with winglets. The mass that is shown in the editor increases when the vehicle is placed on the launchpad. A .1 scale winglet that weighs a couple of kilos in the editor ends up doubling the mass of the whole rocket on the launchpad. I archived the bare install, and the issue persists if I start from the bare install and just add all of the necessary mods for RP-0 from CKAN. I have found someone else that has had the same exact issue, but posted in the tweakscaledevelopment thread without a response: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/110899-WIP-TweakScale-Development-Thread?p=1798816#post1798816 Would be greatful if someone could comment on whether this is a tweak scale or RP-0 config issue and on how to fix it. The non-controlled .3m sounding rockets just don't fly without winglets, so game progression is very difficult.
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