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    Curious George
  1. Nine out of ten times when I drop empty fuel tanks and start using a less powerful thruster (I have tested this with multiple thrusters) while trying to get into orbit around Kerbal, my thrusters become COMPLETELY useless. They are firing and my fuel is depleting but they have absolutely no effect on my trajectory. I have tried going full throttle retrograde to test this and my speed actually increased slowly due to a lowering phase of my half orbit. I bought the game, but I have tried downloading completely outdated versions in the hopes of avoiding this issue, but to no avail. If I can't get things into orbit around Kerbal I really can't play the game at all. And no I don't just suck at getting into orbit.. I have tested this with nodes more often than not and when I switch engines the Delta V bar thingy just stops going down and the estimated burn time flickers between around 2-10 days. I have also experienced this issue when trying to get out of the muns orbit to return to Kerbal. Any help would be much appreciated
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