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Jeb Likes MOAR

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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Jupiter based on the real life equivalent of JOOL - - - Updated - - - Laythe Express Kalileo Muns Explorer - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - Oasis in the Green Dessert Icy World Explorer Laythe Report(Based on the Europa Report Movie Green Giant Spacecraft JUICE Spacecraft Based on the Next mission to Europa
  2. Do you Get Extra points if you integrate VTOL-STOL engines like the F-35B because i have a design that works,And it meets the Requirements Because in real life it's a real advantage to be able to lift of of Carriers - - - Updated - - -
  3. Do you Get Extra points if you integrate VTOL-STOL engines like the F-35B because i have a design that works,And it meets the Requirements Because in real life it's a real advantage to be able to lift of of Carriers
  4. will you be adding Drangon Spacecraft to the mod that would be so COOOLL:)
  5. Can Anyone Help I try to Run OpenGL for My KSP-32Bit install but it doesn,t make a difference in the RAM, it's like it doesn't run at all, and i have followed the OpenGL instructions exactly.Any answers please Game info Verson 1.0.2 KSP 32bit ATM Texture re-placer both installed(20+Mods)+no Environmental Enhancements+Lowest Texture Settings Nomal RAM usage(ATM+Texture re placer installed) on startup is:3.15GB OpenGL+ATM+Texture re placer RAM usage on Start up is:3.15GB ... Computer Specs Windows 7 Home Premium Model:Inspiration 570/Processor:AMD Athlon II X3 450 Processor 3.20 GHz RAM:6.00GB (5.75 GB Usable System:64-Bit Operating System
  6. I've tested the KSO Shuttle with FAR it is quite capable of flight on ascent all the way to gliding and landing for orbital missions,mine your deorbit burn though,I highly recommend using mechjeb for ascent and glidscope.
  7. Can't Wait for IVA integration because i have made Awesome Space planes using your Pack before the type the Jeb Would Be proud of,Having IVA would be the Cherry on Top for this Mod best wishes:D:cool:
  8. Hey Just Asking Could You Guys Make an Expansion Pack for FASA Involving Apollo Application Project It will be great to do a future that didn't but could of happend
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