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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I wish I had the time to do this but sadly I can't Is it possible for the crew to stream this whole thing through twitch or something, I'd love to watch.
  2. That's a good idea, I can see it being useful for long hauls. Are there anything else that can't be set to action groups? I thought pretty much everything that can be toggled could be set to action groups.
  3. Fixing in what manner? I'm sorry, I'm not all too familiar with how the game handles vectors and holding vectors. Could you explain more about addressing the underlying cause?
  4. Once again, glad to be here. I agree, a common degree could be set that can be toggled on and off with a hotkey or something and if a slider is introduced in the command module control panel to adjust the deviation as you require.
  5. Thank you Vanamonde and Dman979. I'll stick around this time
  6. Glad to be here. I learned what a deadband was by reading on the Apollo Missions How Apollo Flew to the Moon (A really good book by the way) and realized that it's a really efficient thing to implement. Thought it might be really useful in KSP too given how much fine RCS control it gives, especially helpful for space stations.
  7. Well my account isn't that new but since that I'm participating in the forum now, Hi y'all. There's even Kerbal emotes :D
  8. This is really sweet! I didn't even know I wanted a Saturn V lego set till now. Supported too.
  9. What is deadband? In the real world, gimbals could detect attitude changes to within hundredths of a degree, so the RCS would be firing constantly to correct the ship's attitude every time a very small attitude error occurred. This wastes a lot of RCS fuel. So a dead band was introduced into autopilot systems. A deadband is a attitude tolerance region in which no automatic attitude correction happens. This deadband was customizable and was adjusted as needed. So for example instead of the RCS firing every time a 0.01 degree of attitude change occurred, a deadband could be introduced within 1 degree of attitude change, so the RCS only fires if the attitude error exceeds 1 degree. This saves RCS fuel as it fires less often. The dead band can be set to varying deviations as required depending on how accurately you want your spacecraft to point in the direction you want. How is it useful in Kerbal Space Program? As it is useful in real life to save RCS fuel, it would help save fuel in KSP too, especially in large spacecrafts like space stations. I've built 2 large space stations and noticed that they use a large amount of RCS fuel as the RCS keeps firing very frequently to correct the space stations attitude and this causes the space station to swing and more RCS is used to try and stop it from swinging which just keeps the swinging going. It would also reduce the annoying twitching engine nozzles do on a small spacecraft as they change direction every millisecond to counter attitude errors when using the SAS. So my suggestion is to add an option in the command module control panel to toggle and set a deadband to the degree you need.
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