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Everything posted by zulu266

  1. First flag as I wait for my new computer to arrive so I can play KSP. Nothing special, but works for me.
  2. Thanks All. Laptop should arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday, just in time to get 1.0 loaded up and start flying. I think I'm going to build a few things in Sandbox just to give my laptop a good run for it's money, then I'll start on Science Mode I think. Can't wait!
  3. Hello All, A year or more ago I played KSP on a friends machine and absolutely loved it. Didn't have a computer that could come close to handling it. Finally purchasing a computer that can handle it (and other things of course). http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834314853 I debated the laptop/desktop thing for a while, but since I travel decided on a laptop. I don't need top of the line, but wanted something that could play the things I wanted at decent settings. Look good for KSP? I should be up and running in another week or so. I've been watching Scott Manley for a while online so already have a huge list of things I want to try and learn. Looking forward to it! Andy
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