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    Curious George
  1. Well, the rocket is in the way, so that's impossible. I've also noticed the radial decouplers do *nothing*. Don't even hold the side boosters on, they immediately detach upon loading on the pad. I've been playing the game for years- yes, they are attached to the decoupler correctly, and yes, I've strutted the crap out of it. Still no avail- struts do nothing!
  2. Never had a problem before 1.2.2, and even when using stock parts, I can never do any kind of multiple core launches. It just flies apart, no matter how many struts. Help! Pictures:
  3. I've seen a bunch of these threads, and have followed the major guides- AV off, not in a Program Files folder, all other programs closed, running as administrator, etc. Any ideas? Running a Windows Vista DuoCore 2.1, 4gb RAM, 32bit. I realize I'm at the mins- this is a laptop. Error Log- https://www.dropbox.com/s/3qttp93hwd7rhmv/error.log?dl=0 Output Log- https://www.dropbox.com/s/z150jbjgnlykgkd/output_log.txt?dl=0 Thank you!
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