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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Im really hoping the Bussard scoop system mod will be updated..
  2. Took the folder out and started and stopped the game then put it back in...don't ask me how it works but it did, sorry for jumping the gun
  3. I also think you should be able to expand on the planet. Having Civilian populace (to recruit from) population and other launch sites. I'll say 75 to 80%
  4. Atmospheric vessel switching is an absolute must!, a reverse warp, better launcher and mod interface would be nice to but so far so good. I have found them buggy and unreliable. Also an Automated crash report system that would automatically send in reports would be absolutely amazing....Other then that i'm addicted
  5. Mini ISRU pak and 2 missile Banks en rout to her sister ship KSS - Merlin of the same class via space tug After loading she's going to Mun Orbit and blow up some derelict lander on its surface
  6. Its late, I just got home from night classes and work, cracked a significant cool libation and decided to make this. I also hopefully am posting this in the right place, although I have my doubts. But this, a class of Space Nuclear Battle Cruiser. Powered by 10 stock nuke engines. Hasn't been tested interplanetary yet. Armed with 2 "laser cannons" (basically the mg1919 .30 cal from TUKE weapons mod and one of the few parts from it I could ever get to work with the game....sometimes you just make do) Also, 3x2 broadsides with kv-1 Space missiles with 2 per bank, although in my fervor to finish it i forgot the last starboard side missile bank. The bank is undockable and can be fitted with extended range tanks, extra boosters, re-entry worthy cruise missiles, hell, you could even dock a science lab and balance it out with a crew transport on the other side. Check it out, Calling it the KSS - Raptor her only downside is she's dead in space if the RCS runs out. Feel free to move this post to its correct place if it is not already there. Sorry if they are to big... and sorry for my crappy screenshots it's really the best i can do. Shes Heating up "under sail"
  7. Re-fueling all the tanks is a royal pain (Dunno why one must click these to enlarge them) Been a while since I've used a forum. The Fuelhog self powered low orbit re-fueler. Carries a Full orange tank easily put atop any heavy lifter. Has enough fuel to meet up with low orbit crafts and re-enter Kerbins atmosphere. Water landings only... The Megadeuce Mk1 flies relatively well and has Two outer engine hardpoints (one equipped) and two on the wingtips. Also has a bomb-bay for larger probes or nefarious purposes such as space launched missiles or free-fall explosives. A small probe ready for launch on an inner wing hardpoint.
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