I have found playing KSP for a few years now, that the space planes FLYING through the atmosphere seem to suffer a very soupy and unrealistic set of flight dynamics regardless on shape/size and design of plane. As an aeronautical engineer i love playing this game but this i find really irritates me, i thought it would have been updated but it seems to have not been at all since release, this game is excellent do not get me wrong but i would love to play KSP and make use of space planes, jets and SSTO's more than rockets especially in career mode! haha. As well as this i fidn that things like banking are not apparent, sure i can rotate my plane 10 degrees incline left but if left there nothing happens, also if i turn off SAS the game does the good ol' nope and causes your plane to have a moment, i love the game like i said! would rate 9/10 but 10/10 if the aerodynamics for in atmosphere flight were more realistic! Thanks hope you see this! Will.