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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. http://imgur.com/33zFlIZ,LVE2DAe my entry How do u put it in an image tho?
  2. Woot i beat the stock record! http://imgur.com/yuWWy9h,QwWecvP,3Z9BfLS,Ho7tv7E,1NHyfYP,OrqzVr2
  3. Attempting now gotta time it right so i can use minimus and the mun to slingshot like i accidentally did before Dint line em up properly gonna use the sun to slingshot instead Used mechjeb to check delta V while flying btw does that count as using it to fly? Edit: creating a new one which is actually designed for this challenge
  4. a surfboard that surfs on air add some intakes to the bottom and it surfs on water too http://imgur.com/aovxLSB
  5. alright so here is 1 that is very difficult to stop from shooting into space and loosing all the velocity but it goes the fastest with the least parts here so Edit pics dint send: http://imgur.com/nGAojHw,5sMcKAf,lkNbCj2
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