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Everything posted by Sputnix

  1. Couple versions: Soft-buttons: http://www.ebay.com/itm/4-x-4-AVR-16-Key-Matrix-Array-For-Arduino-HOT-Membrane-Switch-Keypad-Keyboard-/331913224309?hash=item4d4791e075:g:a2YAAOSwayZXjn1V Harder-buttons: http://www.ebay.com/itm/4x4-Matrix-16-Keyboard-Keypad-USE-Keys-PIC-AVR-Stamp-DT-/252401435380?hash=item3ac44c42f4:g:P2IAAOSwH6lXRN1x 8-push-button matrix: http://www.ebay.com/itm/8-push-buttons-Accessory-board-matrix-Keypad-keyboard-/250847006250?hash=item3a67a58e2a:m:mnzYlHe3bXMwBi2pLlpPIPQ You could get a few of these together? Or work a way to create your own. @richfiles made his own mechanical keyboard doing a matrix-type system, so perhaps you could just go down that route? Oh... 16 button - http://www.ebay.com/itm/4x4-Matrix-Keypad-Keyboard-Board-16-Buttons-8-Pin-for-Arduino/262623278179?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D39107%26meid%3D3fd9b395109f4215b8df5f35da7b7df0%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D250847006250 Even better - you can wired your own buttons to the board, and not deal with the surface-mount stuff http://www.ebay.com/itm/4x4-4-4-Matrix-Keypad-Keyboard-module-16-Botton-mcu-For-Arduino-DIY-/401054871479?hash=item5d60bbafb7:g:CPoAAOxyDoZSHyQb
  2. I think it's important to place these in a way that's comfortable to use (especially for extended periods); not that you normally have your hand on either for long periods, but comfort is important when doing long, calculated burns, or trying to land, and keeping the vessel in the right direction. So up to you, commander, as to how comfortable it is to you I think that's ultimately the most important thing. I like the mounting of the joystick on the wood - just find a nice material to cover the wood at the end, and 'blend' the joystick into it. I would personally be trying to keep things looking as space-craft like as possible. And in that amazing picture I see every time I visit this thread (posted by you in the first post) - there's no keyboard (...hint hint ). Logitech have made a couple nice keyboard + trackpad interfaces (mainly for multimedia PCs) - however, I would put a little pouch, attached to the side of the seat (and you might want to do this for both - need places for manuals, guidance reference, in-flight meals, etc) and you could stow the keyboard in their until needed; they usually have a power switch, so you can turn it off until needed (minimising any unwanted key-presses. Cats are helpful with those!). They tend not to be too expensive ($AU 30 ~ 40 on special) - so you guys over the pond might be able to get it for an even greater price! That is also assuming you're ok with track-pads instead of mice, and also how much you may want to / actually use they keyboard. I'd almost be looking at developing a custom HID using Arduino + buttons, and just mapping keyboard keystrokes to the appropriate button, or something to that effect, and putting those onto the panel as well
  3. I've also been thinking bout this for a while If I was going down this route -- Subwoofers would be a must, but larger versions of things like these small vibrating motors would also work. Just pull some old motors out of *something* (clothes dryers and washing machines seem to be the easiest in my experience) and adapt an attachment similar to these smaller motors. You could tie it into the arduino (via relays, or some other means) and link it to game data (ie. when launching, have intense rumbling; whilst cruising in space you'd have very slight). You could use different sizes too for different effects I've been trying to find (without much success) some information on an old (late 90's / early 2000's) gaming accessory. Basically, it's like those chair massages you could get for your car, but it would be in your chair while gaming, and would hook into the audio system, and provide 'vibratory' feedback to create a more immersive experience. They had a range of things - for the seat, a vest, and a few other things. Found it! - Aura Interactor. Though, apparently there's a heap of other stuff on the market now. I'd still go with the idea I floated above Edit #2 - In the rabbit-hole of google, I've also found these 'bass shakers' (aka. tactile transducers) - which basically are what's in the Aura Interactor, and the more modern versions of the same (gaming chairs). Perhaps that's another option to consider (You still need speakers around the cockpit though for the more immersive experience).
  4. I honestly want to incorporate that sort of thing into my next build! xD For something simpler than an accelerometer, you could use a vibration-sensor: http://www.ebay.com/itm/10PCS-SW-18015P-Electronic-Vibration-Sensor-Switch-Brand-New-/221933322066?hash=item33ac41bf52:g:E-AAAOSwo6lWPCdQ
  5. HAha! I love it! Reminds me of some of the work seen on the RPF (replica prop forums) when trying to get just the right part! And I love it when people come up with some ingenious idea to meet their need (Especially when re-purposing)! Great work!
  6. Well, darn it - now it's got to have one! Yay! I win the internet!
  7. I've been able to work out from this document (PDF page 45, document page 37) and this Zoomable panorama (this alternate version is a little better) that there are two: One located in the commanders station (left hand side of cockpit), and behind the seating of the flight deck. [I'm fairly certain this is the TCS... Seems the most likely and logical given the Apollo heritage -- someone can correct me if I am indeed wrong ] You can see it if you zoom in, it's on the panel 'wall', left hand side, just before the wall goes perpendicular. It's the little joystick with the square top:
  8. Totally seemed to miss this one! Great work there! Looking fantastic!
  9. They don't look crap! They're functional, thus can't be considered as such! The stickers on my controller (v1) were only meant to be temporary... but then, a lot of people commented that it looked very kerbalish, and I agreed that it worked well with it Saved me the pain of trying to do decal transfer (on brushed aluminium no less - I had no idea how I was going to achieve that! ). Looking very cool for a temporary / 'test bed' solution!
  10. I'd probably do a conditional test to see if stageFuelMax == 0. If it is, then don't run the code. if (stageFuelMax != 0) { (stagefuelcurrent / stagefuelmax) * 100 = fuel% = pwmlevel; } else { pwmLevel = 0; } Or something to that effect I suppose you could do it as a while loop too; while (stageFuelMax != 0){ // code here } This should then only be evaluated when there's stage fuel;
  11. I think that would've been @richfiles. He's the resident electronics guru. I would believe anything he says. He's got street-cred! Check it out here:
  12. Is it because it's showing stage fuel (instead of total fuel)? If so, then it's doing what it's meant to If not, and it's jumping to 100%, then jumping back down to the 'correct' amount, that could be an issue with the cycling (ie. between information output, it's getting a false reading of 100%). I suspect it is doing stage-by-stage by default (since you don't seem to be declaring it specifically; check out this -- As for the code - yes please!
  13. Can you do the mathematical conversion so that you're dealing with 0-100%, with that value then being translated to a PWM level?
  14. What operating system are you using (for playing the game, etc)? The plugin communicates thru the USB, yes, and talks to the programmed Arduino board. What icons are you referring to? That's not related to this plugin As for additional controls - I don't think 'time warp' is really an important controller thing. The best thing would be to program an Arduino as a keyboard, and do key-mappings to buttons (which has been discussed at various stages throughout this thread). Good luck!
  15. Anyone who has ever stepped into this world knows that feeling of exhilaration! Great work! Do you mind sharing some of the technical steps so that we can keep a record / document for anyone that's having issues?
  16. Don't you mean: I haven't looking into kRPC (I really should) -- however, if I was going to go down that route, I would still use Arduino + Electronics connected to 1 or a few arduinos (connected serially), and have kRPC piping stuff to the Arduino(s) via the raspberry pi (possibly something like this - https://oscarliang.com/raspberry-pi-and-arduino-connected-serial-gpio/ - thought richfiles might give some more technical input why that might be problematic Not sure bout lag-time from sending signal via arduino to 'pi, to kRPC, to the game (ie. switching buttons, adjusting throttle).
  17. Well, if you're into history, you can find the patent information here. I haven't been able to find any information via google on those numbers. The international instruments panel meter 'brochure' is here. Though, visually, your meter looks different to the examples in that brochure. Going off the code "FS50DCUA" - as a bit of a gamble, given the brochure link, I would potentially hazard a guess that the "50DCUA" would be identifying it as "50-DC-micro amperes". Possibly a place to start? Of course, that could just be a coincidental link - but what are the chances of that?
  18. Heya, The only way I know of KSPSerialIO working under Windows 10 is with the weird workaround that @KingLuxor mentioned here. I'm not sure of the ins and outs, but they mention: Are you doing that? If not, straight serial connection to the arduino (via USB) and thru the plugin won't work.
  19. Yeah, but then you need flashing red-lights , and things blowing up from over-head... it gets into a crazy pyrotechnics mess. And to reset you can't just say "Computer -- reset simulation"; you have to replace the blasting caps, re-attach the bulkhead... you'll need an entire crew ready for when you crash into the Mun!
  20. Wait. Is that from in-game?!? o.O
  21. No; only issues seem to be with 10. You should be using demo13 (https://sites.google.com/site/zitronfiles/KSPIODemo13.zip ). Is that the one you're using? (I ask only 'cos you mentioned demo No2)
  22. @gremlinWrangler -- Is this the Teensy you are using? Gosh -- How did I miss that important point with the various models Thanks @richfiles! --- Just to add to @gremlinWrangler re: hardware choice, - using a Pi (be it raspberry, orange, or some other derivative) or beaglebone adds not only the latency issue as gremlin mentioned, but also another level of complexity. You need an OS on those things, and then thru the OS interact with the Digital & Analogue I/O, SPI, etc. This then adds another layer of fault-finding if things don't work. If you're wanting the best of all worlds, you would probably use an Arduino (or cluster of them) to deal with the 'timely' type stuff (speed, heights, navigation, controls, etc) and then also use a Pi (or equivalent) for more 'big picture' data and display of that data - where the 'latency' or reaction isn't so critical. I could see myself doing something like that with Telemachus - but I want to focus on v2 of the simpit / controller before dreaming too much about v3 In fact, the Pi would be perfect for the drawing of maps / overlays, etc. because of the embedded graphics. It's still incredible that there are people drawing graphics using Arduino's - and then actually animating them! That stuff blows my mind, and I'm in awe of them! (you all know who you are )
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