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  1. jara_

    KSP OST on TV

    Oh. I thought it was made for KSP originally. Still, as soon as I heard it KSP came to mind, so I guess it's still interesting. Never heard it anywhere else before.
  2. jara_

    KSP OST on TV

    I was watching the news on TV yesterday when they start telling a story about a homeless guy and they put "Sneaky Adventure" as background music at the beginning of it. Don't know if you'll be able to see it (in case the videos have regional restriction). http://www.chilevision.cl/noticias/chvnoticias/reportaje-a-fondo/la-historia-detras-del-hombre-que-tiene-su-casa-pero-prefiere-vivir-en-la-calle/2015-05-21/221258.html (Chile, Spanish) I guess the guy who did that story plays KSP too. Glad to feel I'm not alone in this forgotten part of the world.
  3. I'm an engineer and I feel sad when people without much knowledge of science ask these kind of questions seriously. Try explaining them about how to make a plane take off without moving forward and they start to seizure.
  4. Is there a decent chance of regaining control?
  5. I'm playing no respawn, so I'm very carefull with the main crew. All other recruits are expendable.
  6. In a way I'm sad that most of my ships won't work anymore, but on the other hand it feels like when I first started playing and was learning. Suffering with deadly reentry, but having fun as well.
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