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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. this is in Manley mode http://imgur.com/a/R1ESu
  2. nice picks 7 points -2 for "The CM *may* have exploded from a lack of heat shield."
  3. As this is the anniversary of the first man to step on the moon, you are to reenact that great mission. Make it look and work like the Apollo 11 spacecraft, it must have 3 crew 2 must land (in a pod no external seats), then re dock in orbit and return home. Rules. informational and visual mods are ok for stock, no cheats, keep clipping to a minimum,for hard and Manley mode no solar panels (they used Fuel Cells for power), and have fun. Normal, Just do the mission Hard+5 Cookie points, No reaction Wheels(includes the reaction Wheels in pods) use rcs to turn like the real one, and have a free return trajectory till in the SOI of the mun Manley mode+10 Cookie points, Do Hard bring a rover and no stability assist or sas Holds :cool:Cookie points for cool picks and being like the real one. Cookie points are by vote for picks. leader boards 1. ekulsseh Manley mode+10 Cookie points 2. MERTI Normal? 1 Cookie point 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Modded 1. Bioman222 Normal 5 Cookie points 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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