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Everything posted by SpacePsilo

  1. Hello, I was intersted to know what was the fastest plane currently known, (non prototype or classified tech), so, according to wikipedia, the SR-71 Blackbird has a record of 3,529.6 km/h wich is 2,193.2 mp/h or 980.44 ms. Here is my attempt: The SR-71: With the crew: For my experiment, having very little fuel, I decided to build a cargo ship and lock the plane on top of it: All was surplisingly stable and flyable: Getting above the 8km step and preparing to decouple: Decoupling, everything nominal: And record is broke! 1101.5ms, 3965.4 km/h !!! With this design going above 1102 was impossible for me, the time to get there the overheating is almost at maximum for the cockpit, and the speed start to drop also. After, I tried to get back to ksp but not enough fuel, time for a soft landing in water : At least the crew survived ^^ That's all! If you manage to break the record, let me know !
  2. Yes that is what I was wondering, so, for an engine similar to the Ion, would it be plausible to do it inverted? So if you have a spaceship on top of it you put the engine exaust facing the way you want to go, then you put a metal plate in front, so the engine push the plate that is linked to ship and generate trust? If the gaz you expell is faster than the trust it generate would your ship move in the direction the plate is pushed or the opposite way?
  3. Completly agree ! But it's true that a travel to the moon, with live conference online with the astronauts on the mun, on youtube, would allow a major improvement on how people react to space travel financing. It would also shut down all we didn't get to the moon theory. On a science only goal however it's pretty useless. Or why not change the use of the iss to allow it to go orbit the moon?
  4. Hullo, so I have a question, in vaccum, there is almost nothing to allow the expelled gaz to have an opposite force, so why don't the gaz continue to infinity. Because for jet engine, you have engine --> <- atmosphere. So in vaccum it should be engine --> void... I know it's not like this since ships have trusts, but I wonder what allow the force to have an opposit in vaccum. If someone has a link for a simple explaination or can give it I would greatly appreciate it.
  5. For me, maintaining the ship a little above orbit retrograde does the job, your ship has to be a little aerodynamic, I don't know if it should be considered an issue, but doesn' the standard one man capsule with one chute and the heatshield should have the center of mass a little down to avoid this flipping problem? Also you can add a unused full small fuel tank above the heatshield to lower the center of mass and help your ship stabilize the right way. Remeber, pointing your ship toward space is always the good way .
  6. I'm Gael, full time .net developper mostly c#, a little passionate about space and space exploration in general. I play ksp since 0.12 or someting like this right after the ksp base was updated and the old one placed as easter egg. I tought as a thanks to the ksp team and all of the comunity making mods / playing / helping to make ksp what it has become I would like to share somes of my best screens shots as a summary of my ksp experience. My first orbital satellite to no crash before orbit: First moon landing: This is one of my favourite design a rcs powered ground vehicule with such a silly design that works very well (If I can 3D print one design it should be this one) : Because ksp is beautifull: My most advanced station (that glitched out on it's way to eve (it was meant to be ion powered and was working great until time warp and missing part that got eaten by the Kraken...): This one I'm very proud of: At first I tought that to get back a Kerbal for the mission you had to grab it , so I managed to do it, then he died on re-entry... A probe design: Some more candy: And that's all. I plan to make a mod soon, I want to make a commander mod, that would allow to input order to any kerbal like go there, or make this maneuveur without having to load the ship but by previewing it like the kerbal in iva. The controls would be available in the traking station. I hope to start soon if my work time allow it. So if you feel it's a good idea please let me know . Thank you if you are still here, I hope my designs can inspire somes of you and that you enjoyed this post, anyway I'm looking forward for after 1.0, and the future of ksp.
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