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Status Replies posted by Loskene

  1. 20 hours ago, Loskene said:

    So basically what you're saying is they should make FAR stock. I couldn't agree more 

    Sorry, I didn't notice who I was replying to.  I should have said

    "The curmudgeony mantra 'FAR should be stock' reeks of elitism.  The only motivation (as no reasonable explanation is given) is insecurity and an attempt to sound superior.  Any rationalization that might come post-hoc will be merely an attempt to justify their emotional knee-jerk reaction. Buzz off, I'm enjoying KSP. "


    1. Loskene


      Ohohooo, yikes. I'm guessing this sounded more clever or at least less sad in your head. Probably should've left it there.

      Well then, next time you want to have a go, do it in public. I prefer my pillars of salt to not reek of cowardice, and it's not really fair if I'm having all the fun to myself.

      Toodles :wink:

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