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Posts posted by sapienza

  1. I don't own a PS4, and almost certainly will never have one, but this looks like a good move. Lots of people are going to benefit from it.

    • Squad gets more sales to support development.
    • The market for KSP expands dramatically.
    • PS4 players who want to learn how to do more with their game and who hear about mods will realise they shoulda got a PC. :D
    • ... and if, as many people have pointed out before me, they're going to figure out how to get it to work on a PS4 controller than can only mean massive usability improvements in UI/UX (which, let's be honest, could use some touch ups). No more moving your mouse frantically as you try to click on a rotating ship, etc. That stuff is barely tolerable on PC; no console player will stand it.

    Good on ya, Squad! Maximise this opportunity and pay no heed to the whingers.

  2. I also found I'm now unable to do any transmission of science from remote probes when ScienceAlert is installed. I've never installed Impact!, so that's not part of it. No NullReferences in my logs, however. In fact, nothing out of the ordinary in ksp.log, output_log.txt, or the debug window. I ever uninstalled every mod but ScienceAlert and tried again (materials study from Minmus) and it doesn't work. I guess I'll uninstall SA for a while but keep an eye on it, but I'll definitely miss it!

  3. I was having this problem, thing is most probes will only unlock the integrated antenna perk after you research unmanned technology. And to transmit data you need a connection to the KSC.

    There's also some sort of problem going on. I've been trying to use a M700 Survey Scanner on a satellite with RemoteTech, while the satellite is in direct connection with KSC and get a Null Exception Error. From output_log.txt:


    at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto (System.Collections.IEnumerator)

    at UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine (IEnumerator routine) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at RemoteTech.Modules.ModuleRTDataTransmitter.IScienceDataTransmitter.TransmitData (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 dataQueue, .Callback callback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at ScienceAlert.MagicDataTransmitter.BeginTransmissionWithRealTransmitter (IScienceDataTransmitter transmitter, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 science, .Callback callback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at ScienceAlert.MagicDataTransmitter.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    (Filename: Line: -1

  4. So I made myself into a liar. I took bernierm's git source and edited it so that it would add the buttons to the 1.0+ toolbars. When bernierm pops back around, I'll delete all of the following, but for now ... (btw, this has only been tested [briefly] on KSP 1.02 running on Win7)

    KerbalStuff: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/751/MovieTime%20QuickFix

    Git Repository: https://github.com/samtsurly/MovieTime

  5. If you edit the MovieTime.xml and change the lines that look like the following:







    so that the text "False" is "True", instead, the settings window for MT pops up in various screens and you can enable/disable the effects there. So, for the good news: MovieTime still works in 1.0+. However, something isn't allowing it to connect to the toolbar. Looking at the source in git, I reckon that these lines in MovieTime.cs are the culprit:

    40: appButton = ApplicationLauncher.Instance.AddModApplication(OnAppButtonToggleOn, OnAppButtonToggleOff,

    41: () => { }, () => { }, () => { }, () => { }, ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes.ALWAYS, buttonTexture);

    If I weren't so busy, I'd figure out how to set up a dev environment to compile mod DLLs and work it out, but someone else will have to. At least they don't have too much to fix!

    Orrrr, bernierm, come back and sort us out. This is a fantastic mod!

  6. Same result for me, with a few notes to add:

    * Win7 (64-bit OS)

    * Running Steam

    * After seeing this, I removed the TextureReplacer directory from GameData and restarted and the white visors went back to stock, so clearly that was the problem.

    * Valentina's visor on the Start Game screen stayed the same. (img attached)

    The only things I could see in the log of note were:

    [LOG 23:21:57.882] [TR.Reflections] Some environment map faces are missing. Static reflections disabled.

    [LOG 23:21:57.885] [TR.Reflections] Visor shader sucessfully compiled.


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