KSP Version: v. - Windows 8.1 64-bit - Steam What Happened: Training "Orbiting 101" start without a Vessel and then the game freezes when trying to end escenario. Steps to replicate: 1) Finish completely the second training program and then started the "Orbiting 101" training. 2) It start (while bugged) without a Vessel, just... space. 3) Click the Map button (It focus the Sun). 4) Click the Map button again (It focus...nothing) 5) Click "End Scenario" 6) Click "are you sure you want to end?" (nothing happens) 7) Click, "cancel" 8) Click "End Scenario" again. Result: The game freezes. Fixes/Workaround: Restart the game by the way... I couldn't replicate the error ...