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Everything posted by StealthPlatypus

  1. I'll probably be crashing planes for the next little while so if it happens again I'll post another log.
  2. I've CTD'd twice now after crashing my plane in career mode. Ok I can't figure out how to attach a file to this post so here's a link to a zip containing both logs. http://www.filedropper.com/showdownload.php/kerbalspaceprogramcrashlogs Also unrelated to this crash; the first time I tried to physical time warp the game was put in a frozen state. Basically when the warning came up that it can mess with the parts or whatever, I tried to click the Ok button or whatever it says. The button did nothing. I could click it, the game was still running, but the button did nothing, esc did nothing; I had to exit the game. After that the warning never popped up again and I was fine.
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