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Everything posted by filipecabaco

  1. Awesome! So everything was normal, no quick saving or loading or anything in between. I launched, put it to orbit and then stage to eject the fairings and when it did that it also ejected the fairing between the shield and the decoupler (this one was added automatically) There was no weird physics effects (noodling or anything like that), the ship behaved like it was still connected so it was purely graphical. Keep up the good work! Cheers
  2. I hope I do everything right in this post... anything out of place I'm sorry :x noob status. Small graphical glitch when all fairings are deployed. The probe was one even with that fairing missing. Craft file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2877460/Small%20Orbital%20Tug.craft Build ID: 008302015.04.26 Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium - Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 Above all this, thank you so much for making one of the most addicting, fun, interesting and awesome games ever! Keep up the awesome work!
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