KSP Version 1.0 (no mods); Windows 7 64bit; Steam Install ASUS Crosshair V Formula Z Mobo FX-6300 (O.C. 4.5 GHz) w/ Corsair H80i 16 GB Corsair Vengeance RAM GTX 770 2GB 240 GB Corsair SSD Did a clean install (deleted .90 and installed 1.0 to different directory [and HDD]; no mods); game worked well for awhile and then started to constantly crash on me every few min. Doesn't seem to matter what I'm doing at the time. Has crashed on the launch pad, during flight, in the VAB being idle, attaching thermometer, attaching radial parachutes... the list goes on. The crash log shows that between 35-45% of RAM is being used; however it shows that there is 0 MB physical memory, 0 MB paging file, and 0 MB user address space [1915 MB free], with Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation seeming to be the reason for the crash. I have run Windows Memory Diagnostic and MemTest; both came back with 0 errors. I had to run with -force-opengl in .90 for it to run without crashing; though with having to alt-tab out and in to fix graphical glitches. Don't know if this is related but thought I would report it anyway in case it helps... (will try that again now and will update if it helps; although with KSP being 'released' I had hoped that this would have been fixed. error.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7U2eHh0eg4BWDZfaUg0SHA4dkE/view?usp=sharing output_log.txt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7U2eHh0eg4BQzJKMk9CUERWYlk/view?usp=sharing settings.cfg: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7U2eHh0eg4BdzNiLS1nUmtZTDQ/view?usp=sharing Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have over 700 hours into this game since .18 and need my fix and all the new stuff! update: -force-opengl seems to fix the crashing problem for now; with the added bonus of now the mouse cursor stays visible after right click&hold or selecting a textbox. It does take longer to load scene changes though... Would still like some insight as to why the force-opengl argument is necessary for me...