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  1. I'm using a USB connected (=wired) Saitek Cyborg Evo (Or, as OS X and therefore KSP wants to label it, "Saitek Cyborg USB Stick"). That wouldn't immediately invalidate your hypothesis if I'd unplugged/replugged between launches (I believe there are device numbers that increment on OS X on every plug, reset on reboot). However I've exposed this settings-resetting behaviour when relaunching without unplugging/replugging too (so there's absolutely nothing, from an OS perspective, different in configuration between game launches).
  2. Just for clarity: This issue / bug isn't resolved by the V1.0.1 patch (v1.0.1.840), at least on my system. The same behaviour applies: * Configure game settings without joystick mappings -> Settings preserved across game restarts. * Configure game settings with joystick mappings -> Settings revert to first-install defaults when the game restarts.
  3. For a moment I thought you'd found it, because I followed the instructions and lo and behold, next reload of the game persisted graphics & sound settings. But then I re-added my Joystick mappings, and Boom, restart caused all the settings to be lost. Did I read in the changelog that the way Joysticks are enumerated has changed in 1.0? I suspect that's got a relation to this issue: If I don't add any Joystick Axis bindings to my configuration, my config persists across game reloads. As soon as I add a mapping, the next game restart causes the config to reset to defaults.
  4. Since upgrading to 1.0 last night (via Steam; 32-bit KSP apparently) , I've had an issue where whatever I put as Settings persist during the game session, but are re-set to defaults when I restart the game. This most obviously manifests as the screen resolution resetting (from my preferred 1920x1080 to the default 1280x720) , but also the Music comes back after being reset to 0% volume, and my Joystick mappings reset to defaults. It appears - from looking at the User Directory - the game is correctly writing settings.cfg but, on game start, it's not reading it and then just writing defaults again. Possibly related (and possibly not...), occasionally clicking the "Assign Axis" button in Settings to (re-)set my joystick axis just blanks out all options and doesn't pop-up the mini-dialog to assign an axis. I've tried deleting the game (Steam's "Remote Local Content") and re-installing, I've removed the local directory, I've tried deleting just settings.cfg.... none of these has made any difference to this behaviour. I can't see anything in either KSP.log or Player.log . System Specs also available if required.
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