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    Curious George
  1. Im having the same issue. To elaborate on the problem, it wont work in VAB. Attaching a Harpoon or any other Hook via the Kerbal Iventory in EVA works flawless. Steps to recreate the problem: 1. New install of Kerbal Space Program v1.0.2.842 2. Put KIS v.1.1.4 and KAS v.0.5.0 into the GameData Folder 3. Lunch KSP and start a new career 4. Go into the VAB and select any Structure and attach a winch to it 5. Try to attach a Harpoon to the just added winch 6. ... @KospY Love the mod thanks for the update small problems wont keep me away from it.
  2. @GaryCourt would it be possible for you to add an import an export function (e.g. to JSON) so we could save our settings (known techs, and all the other parameters) and import them again? This would be really nice and convenient. Thanks for your great work!
  3. Second this request. I really appreciate the work youve done with this tool. Hope to see the update for v.1.0!
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