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Everything posted by Vheska

  1. This happens to me often if I don't have any radial decouplers selected. I'm guessing the tool wants to put in radial decouplers, but knows it can't because none are selected, so it puts nothing instead. In your case, you should probably put a stack decoupler underneath the seconds stage
  2. It should just be: TWR = Fthrust / (tM*g) where Fthrust is the Max thrust given on the info page in kN, tM is the total mass of the vessel in kg, and g being the acceleration due to gravity. They give the ASL thrust for each engine on the info panel.
  3. Just wondering if you could put the atmospheric stats option back in. Sometimes it will use an engine on the first stage whose ASL Thrust is significantly lower then it's Vac Thrust and it won't leave the launch pad.
  4. http://github.com/Pyroman515/korc/tree/patch-1 I only did edits to the kspcalc.js file to put in the new values the game displayed in sandbox mode. DL zip and open the html file.
  5. https://github.com/Pyroman515/korc/tree/patch-1 I've updated the numbers in the kspcalc file with the current values I obtained from sandbox mode, download the zip and open the html file.
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