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Posts posted by Slevin

  1. I wonder if it's possible for someone to write a mod that calculates all physics for connected parts as one unit. (Not knowing a lot about code, I assume this is against the very core coding of the game, or it'd have been done by now.)

    Not sure that it will help. One of the gameplay feature is to ride you construction as far as possible in one piece. Connections between different parts and behavior of this connections is the object of phisics calculations. Such mod will disable this challenge.

  2. If I'm running 16 gigs of RAM on a quad core, would this work around improve frame rates with larger craft?
    Nope, Bosun. Framerate in your situation more dependant of CPU perfomance because of physics calculations. More parts -> more calculations. In some cases this workaround improves perfomance but not enough to made the game run smooth with Death Star on the screen.

    Sorry for my English, it's not native.

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